What is Headache

Pain or discomfort in the head or neck area characterizes the common ailment known as a headache. It is one of the most common pains, and its severity and duration might vary. From moderate to severe, Headache might come with accompanying symptoms, including light or sound sensitivity, nausea, or changes in eyesight.

Types of Headache

  • Tension Headache: The most frequent form of Headache, tension Headache, are frequently characterized as persistent, dull pressure or tightness around the head.

  • Migraines:It is a type of severe headache that frequently affects one side of the head and is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.

  • Cluster Headache: Cluster Headache are severe Headache that occur in cyclical patterns, often causing intense pain on one side of the head and around the eye.

  • Sinus Headache: These Headache are associated with sinus infections or inflammation and are characterized by pain and pressure in the sinus area.

  • Hormonal Headache: Headache caused by hormonal changes, such as those during menstruation or menopause, might affect certain people.

Causes and Common Conditions of Headache

  • Muscle tension or strain
  • Changes in blood vessels
  • Inflammation or infection
  • Neurological conditions
  • Hormonal changes
  • Medication side effects
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Environmental factors such as loud noises or strong smells

Symptoms of Headache

Common symptoms of Headache include

  • Head pain or pressure
  • Throbbing or pulsating sensations
  • Sensitivity to light or sound
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Neck stiffness or pain
  • Changes in vision
  • Fatigue or irritability

Diagnosis of Headache

To diagnose Headache, healthcare providers typically perform a thorough medical history review, physical examination, and may order additional tests if necessary. These tests may include imaging studies, blood tests, or neurological evaluations to rule out underlying causes or to identify specific headache types.

How do you know if Headache are serious

While most Headache are not serious, certain warning signs may indicate a more serious underlying condition. Seek medical attention if you experience

  • Sudden, severe headache "thunderclap" headache
  • Headache after a head injury
  • New onset Headache in individuals over 50
  • Headache accompanied by fever, stiff neck, or rash
  • Changes in headache pattern, severity, or symptoms

Interventional Pain Management of Headache

Interventional pain management techniques can provide targeted relief for Headache. These may include:

  • Nerve blocks: Injecting local anesthetics or steroids to block or reduce pain signals from specific nerves associated with Headache.

  • Botox injections: Administering Botox injections into specific muscles to reduce muscle tension and alleviate Headache.

  • Occipital nerve stimulation: Implanting a device that delivers electrical impulses to the occipital nerves, reducing pain signals and relieving Headache.

  • Radiofrequency ablation: Using heat energy to disrupt pain signals from specific nerves involved in Headache.

  • Trigger point injections: Trigger points are tight knots in muscles that can contribute to headache pain. Trigger point injections involve injecting medication directly into these knots to relieve muscle tension and alleviate Headache.

  • Acupuncture: Thin needles are inserted at precise bodily locations during acupuncture to activate nerves and alleviate pain. It may be an efficient interventional pain treatment approach for certain people with Headache.


We at Kerur Pain Care know the harmful effects Headache can have on your day-to-day activities. Our devoted team of healthcare experts provides individualized treatment regimens that cater to your unique needs and specializes in diagnosing and managing Headache. We are here to relieve your pain and enhance your quality of life, whether you suffer from tension Headache, migraines, or any form of Headache.